More Dialogue with Graeme Carle
More Dialogue with Graeme Carle A few weeks ago I responded to Graeme’s challenge for someone to critique his blog on Israel and the promised land ( ). Graeme has now responded ( ). And some of what he says cannot go unchallenged. I am hoping we can end it here though, as I want my blog to be more than just dialogue with Graeme. Reading the Scriptures against their first century context Graeme takes me to task for not reading the Scriptures against their first century context. I plead, “Not guilty.” This is essential, along with remembering those to whom they were written, since the Scriptures were written for us but not to us. That means that our interpretations need to be meaningful and relevant for those to whom they were written. We need also to be aware of genre in our reading. A case in point is the book of Revelation, which I will refer to below. ...